Sunday, June 23, 2019

How to Spot Fake Book Reviews

How Can You Spot Fake Book Reviews?
When trying to find something to buy online, you normally look at reviews. It is common nature for all of us
and is a practice that has existed ever since the first item was sold in the world, with recommendations and
personal reviews influencing shoppers. People do want to see what the other consumers write about what
they want to buy so the practice of highlighting fake reviews became common.
We have to understand the fact that most of the consumer reviews you see online are fake. Statistics show
that around 20% of the reviews you find on Yelp are fake. Some people even say that around 30% of the
reviews are fake. This is just an example of what you can expect. Amazon is another example of a website
that features so many fake reviews.
Who Writes Fake Reviews?
There are so many individuals that could write fake reviews in order to gain some sort of benefit. In most
cases we are faced with retailers, marketers, the authors with the use of pseudonyms or customers that
are given financial benefits to offer positive feedback. A simple Google search would easily highlight many
services that would pay you for offering fake reviews on various websites.
As simple examples, you can locate various job postings for writing fake reviews on, or If you take a look at the number of responders for such job postings, you
will quickly notice that there is an entire industry behind the fake reviews, one that includes use of multiple
IP addresses and so much more.
How To Identify Fake Reviews
There are many signs that you are faced with a fake review. You can easily consider the following:
  • Too many superlatives present and lack of description about the book.
  • A story that is quite far away from what the book is about.
  • Abusive use of first person singular (I and ME).
  • Positive emotion and explanation points. The truthful review tends to use different types of punctuation.
  • The reviewer only wrote a single review on the website.
  • The reviewer only posted 5 star reviews.
  • The review sounds like marketing brochures.
Finding Accurate Reviews
There is no book out there that has just positive reviews. Just take a look at the reviews for
the best spiritual books you could read right now. The reason why there won’t be only positive reviews
is that people have different tastes. You simply cannot please everyone. If you remember this, you can
so easily spot those authors that use fake reviews.

All that you really have to do is analyze the product reviews that a book has and put yourself in the shoes
of the reviewer. If you were to review a book, would you talk like that? Would you talk about what the
reviewer did? In most cases, especially on sites like Amazon, the honest reviews are long and will actually
talk about the book while not offering just general statements and remarks about it.

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