
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday - Top Ten Words/Topics That Will Make Me Pick Up/Buy a Book

toptentuesday   Ok, so this is really going to show you what I'm made of, lol!  Let me first start out by stating that I will read just about anything, but here is what books/topics will grab my attention the most.

Vampire - Even the sparkly kind, although I am not a fan of Twilight.  I have been fascinated/in love with vampires for as long as I can remember.

Paranormal - Another one of those words that will draw me in.

Serial Killer -I love reading fiction and non-fiction books that have this as their basis.

Dystopian - One of my favorite genres, especially if it is done right.

Mystery - Mary Higgins-Clark is one of my all time favorites.

Thriller - any time I see this word, I'm in. Well, looks like I can only come up with 6 right now - hopefully I can come up with a few more!

A new site

For those of you that know me, you might know that I have quite a few sites.  But, I have decided it was time to start a new one.  Review From Here has been my main site for many years, but with the title, I thought it was time it focused on reviews, and I would move all the other items to this new site.  Please bear with me as the dust settles, but I hope to get this one up and running more smoothly soon.

Hope to see you here!

Monday, April 29, 2013

Mailbox Monday and Barbara Vey's Reader Appreciation

mailbox Wow, did I have a great weekend!  For the second year in a row I attended Barbara Vey's Reader Appreciation Luncheon and had a blast.  I ran out of time to talk to all of the authors I wanted to, but here is a picture of the books I got for free and purchased while there:
OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA I plan on focusing on each of the authors that were at the event in a separate post, because they are all so great.  As you can see, this is a pretty great group of books.  Stay tuned to find out more!