
Monday, December 14, 2015

A Will and A Way by Maggie Wells Cover Reveal

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A WILL AND A WAYTitle: A Will and a Way
Author: Maggie Wells
Publisher: Lyrical Press
Publication Date: July 5, 2016
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Format: Ebook 

What's a nice widow like you doing in a place like this?....

Consummate ladies man Will Tarrant has made it to middle age without walking down the aisle. People think he's anti-marriage, but he knows he just hasn't met the right woman yet. Then he lays eyes on Southern Belle Betty Asher--in the neighborhood pub of all places. She's new in town, perfectly gorgeous--and a perfect lady. But can Will be a perfect gentleman?...

With small town life and her cheating late husband behind her, Betty is looking forward to big city adventure. When she captures the attention of the local heartthrob, she even indulges in some hot and heavy flirtation. After all, it isn't everyday she gets to play the merry widow. She assumes their acquaintance will end there, until a job interview lands her in Will's office--and in his arms once more. Despite their irresistible attraction, Betty's enjoying her freedom, while Will's finally ready to put a ring on it. Now he'll just have to convince her that nothing could be sweeter than being tied down--with him.

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Maggie WellsMaggie Wells is a deep-­‐down dirty girl with a weakness for hot heroes and happy endings. By day she is buried in spreadsheets, but at night she pens tales of people tangling up the sheets. The product of a charming rogue and a shameless flirt, this mild-­‐mannered married lady has a naughty streak a mile wide. Fueled by supertankers of Diet Coke, Maggie juggles fictional romance and the real deal by keeping her slow-­‐talking Southern gentleman constantly amused and their two grown children mildly embarrassed.

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