
Saturday, December 19, 2015

Two Tales of the Moon by Jennifer Sun - Win a Free Copy!

Title: Two Tales of the Moon
Author: Jennifer Sun
Release Date: October 22, 2015
Publisher: Jennifer Sun
Genre: Literary Fiction
Format: Ebook/Paperback

The moon, as a motif woven into the fabric of the stories in the book, is the moon steeped in the Chinese myth and culture, symbolizing separation and reunion, longing and fulfillment. But which tale of the moon is more compelling? - A question asked in the book’s Prologue through two versions of the folklore like story, one told by Lu’s grandma before she committed suicide on a moon lit night in Shanghai, and the other by a Chinese restaurant owner in Montauk, NY to a little girl named Sage. The time was 1966.

Fast forward to 2009, and America's economic interest in China is increasing at a rapid pace, along with China's ambition to become a superpower. A high profile, joint venture deal between two U.S. and Chinese cyber brings Will Donavan and Lu Li together.

Will is a native New Yorker and exNavy cyberwarfare specialist who has built a prosperous cyber security business. Lu Li's life was one of terrible strife as she escaped her home country's communist regime at the age of thirteen and swam to Hong Kong and to freedom. She made it all the way to the United States and is now a successful Wall Street investment banker.

They meet as the cyber technology companies merge. They meet and realize their orderly worlds of hard work and legality don't apply in this new high stakes game of corruption and deceit. From Washington, Dc, to New York to Shanghai, Will and Lu Li face moral and ethical dilemmas and make personal choices that could change their lives forever.

But the story is not just about cyber security, Wall Street deal making, international politics, intrigue and espionage in the context of fierce business competition. It delves into the personal lives of the characters, who are thrust into the vortex of Wall Street greed, cross-border business ventures and historical suspicions between world’s major economic powers. Each of the main characters, Lu, Sage and Will, has a personal story, and their story moves between their memories and present dilemmas, between family histories and each life’s destination, between the commercial center of Shanghai and rustic Montauk, furthest edge of Long Island. Their past tugs at every turn of their lives, and their present pulls them back into what they would rather forget or leave alone but cannot at times. As their lives converge on the pending high stake deal, they also come to terms with a past that needs closures, between siblings, between mother and daughter, and with themselves. For more than fifty years, Elaine has lived the life of an outcast elf, stripped of her rank and title in the fae court. Surrounded by her beloved collection of stolen artwork, we may just learn the secret behind her exile, and the one promise too important to break...


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Jennifer is giving an e-copy of her book!

Terms & Conditions:
  • By entering the giveaway, you are confirming you are at least 18 years old.
  • One winner will be chosen via Rafflecopter to receive a copy
  • This giveaway begins December 19 and ends on December 24.
  • Winners will be contacted via email on December 26.
  • Winner has 48 hours to reply.
Good luck everyone!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

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